Yes, Lylia's cuddly little fair finally has their own section.


Determined, this tiny brown will stop at nothing to get what he wants.  No hints of his fiery personality can be seen in his mahogany hide; muscles are seemingly nonexistant and his size amazingly small. Bright red specks his hide, scarce around his head and stomach, but becoming more numerous towards the edges of his body, densely compacted at the tips of the brown's tail, wings, and talons.
A slim band of blue and black winds around one leg, showing him to reside in the High Reaches Weyr.

Larson's my sleepy firelizard... He's a creative one, a dreamer of a 'lizard and a noble heart. When he's awake, which isn't a whole lot. Still, he's always a good companion to have, a sweetheart in himself.


Intelligence glints in the large, luminous eyes of the young bronze, a sense of curiousity lurking within. Light, dusty bronze melts 'cross his hide, copper mingling along the wingsails, darker shades rippling across his belly. His body's too thin to appear healthy on a firelizard, but a few muscles lurk beneath the hide. With a neck too short, a snaking tail that's certainly too long, and a pair of gangly, oversized wings, he's nothing but clumsy, an accident with wings that's just waiting to happen, the geek of the firelizard world. Still, the odd fitting of his parts seems to melt
together to a fairly wiry metallic creature, perhaps even dashing in his own way.
Deep blue and black band the young bronze, showing his residence to be the High Reaches Weyr.

Quenn's the awkward, almost geeky firelizard of the lot. He's tender, sweet, but quite intelligent and curious. An inventor, if he were human.  Handsome, certainly, but in his own odd, odd way. He's had his luck with the golds though, much to anyone's surprise. I've had him very loosely based on Quinn Mallory from "Sliders", early seasons. Just a little more nerdlike.


Purple tinged midnight escapes the velvet of the night sky to land on the hide of this fire lizard.  Wingsails are midnight with a few sparkles of gilded silver that dance across the fragile membranes.  Headknobs swirl with darkened blue-purple that moves like the ocean waves at midnight down and around his face.  Swirling eyes peek out from underneath eyeridges like two stars in the night sky, glittering and gleaming.
'Round one leg twines blue and black, the colors of the High Reaches Weyr.

Solo's completely the baby of the group. Even after he passed his first Turn, he's still the little one who gets fussed over by me. He's innocent, quiet, and still acts more like a young hatchling (if better behaved) than a fully grown firelizard.


Sleek and sly can't begin to describe this bandit: twitching at both nose and tail tip, and all prowling curves in between, he's prince and pauper, cad and casanova in a single feral bundle of vitality. That long, thin body, all the better for twisting around corners and darting through tunnels in the day's quest, those snapping eyes seeing all and revealing none, he'll find his niche wherever he may be. Camouflaging greys of shadow and twilight subdue the natural bronze gleam of his hide, yet he shines nonetheless--a roguish twinkle present throughout his form which suggests that anyone who takes their eye off him for long enough may find him up the leg of their trous or worse.

Ferren's my new little one, loved by me because not only is he adorable, he's the child of Quenn and Pyrene's Kernow. He's a curious little one, a good friend to my ferret, but also a noble heart. Guarded by Quenn and Larson, and a playmate of Solo, someday he'll be a leader among them. For now, he's just the rough-and-tumble hatchling, who some think is a ferret in disguise.


Curved with a pleasant pudginess that even maturity will not melt away, this gold firelizard is not without certain graces. The honey'd alabaster of her hide is marked only with brassy spirals, twining from lumped headknobs, around each stubbed neckridge, and around the length of her oft-waving tail. Her tip-tilted muzzle imparts a certain amount of charm to her flirty-one-moment, diffident-the-next behavior; a faint flash of rosy pink on the underside of her delicate wings adds a garish, girlish note to her appearance.

It's a Lis-ard! Yes, the Lis-based queen firelizard from D'renn.... Gotta love the guy. And it /is/ a mini-Lis; fliratious, sharp, and with plenty of sweetness. I pity all male firelizards.
